Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Abortion: the Feminist Inquisition

the Supreme Court legalized abortion in Roe vs. Wade rather than waiting for state legislatures to act. it wasn't a Brown vs. Board of Education moment. It was a Dredd Scott case & I pray we see this soon. In both cases the Supreme Court was attempting to stitch the country together at the expense of human rights.

Gloria Steinem was correct in postulating that "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament." But that doesn't make it right. If white people were slaves the Civil War might've happened earlier but slavery should never have existed in the 1st place.

in 1973, when Roe vs. Wade went into effect, the bc pill was not in widespread use, much less widely available. The women who testified before committees about their back alley abortions had no access to birth control & had been abandoned by the men who had used them & left. married middle class pregnant women were undergoing routine diagnostic x-rays. Science has come leaps & bounds ahead & yet NARAL & NOW cling to Roe vs. Wade like Southerners to Plessy vs. Ferguson with a religious fervor that would put Eichman & the guards of Auschwitz to shame.

As Lincoln wisely led his generation through the painful purge so we Christian women must lead now. We cannot shame post abortive women and abortion workers as they have been pained by this national sin almost as much as the fetuses that are dumped out the back door as "bio waste." We must show them Jesus' healing love and mercy, & mine their testimonies for useful intel!

As for NARAL & other political allies & profiteers like Planned Parenthood, may God have mercy on their souls for we shall show none for their pocketbooks. Defund & unveil by all moral means available. Can anyone tell us the definitive line between them and a hired hit man? (other than price and volume). Not on my watch, not in my community will this pass unnoticed.

God is in control & I fear to miss out in participating in His plan, so I am praying for the mothers, babies & clinic workers everyday as I drive by the Whittier Planned Parenthood as if it were a concentration camp with ovens blazing. I'm distributing ATTWN fliers when possible. I may tire but if I give up or forget, God will raise up someone else to take my place & I'd much rather we work together.

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